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What You Need to Know About a Life Insurance Medical Exam

Whenever you are availing of life insurance then you should know that you will need to have a medical exam. This is needed before you can get a final quote and be able to sign a policy. The main reason why you will need to have an exam is to know if the information that you have placed is true and correct. It is also through the medical exam that the insurance company will determine any health conditions that you might have and you are not aware of. The results of the medical exam that you have will have an effect on your insurability. This will also have an effect on the cost of the premiums that you will be paying. Most of the time, it is the insurance company that will cover the cost of the medical exam. It is also them that will be the one to choose a paramedical company that will be conducting the exam. You can find some companies or policies though that will not require any sort of medical exam. This is usually done for younger people and for those that have chosen a policy that has a minimum coverage amount. Once you have been scheduled for a medical exam then t is the paramedical company that will contact you about the exam that you will have.

The type of enema that you will be having will also depend on how extensive your coverage will be. The more charge you will be wanting to have, the more extensive medical exam you will need to do. Some of the common procedures that you will undergo on a usual medical exam are blood work, physical exam, urine exam, EKG, and x-ray. There are also some insurance companies that will be requiring you to undergo other tests which can include drug and smoking tests, diabetes, hepatitis, and immune disorders, HIV, high cholesterol, liver, or kidney disorders.

Once your medical exam is done through the paramedical company then it is them that will be sending the results to your insurance company. It is them that will review the results that you have. If you want to have the right coverage then make sure that you will be accurate with regards to the information that you will be placed on your application. Any inconsistency that they will find might cost you the coverage that you are looking for. It is also the insurance company that can request a second exam to verify the results. If you think that the test results are inaccurate then you can ask for a copy and let it be reviewed by your physician. If proven that the results are really inaccurate then a second exam can also be requested by you.

Once your home exam has been approved then it is the insurance company that will be calculating the premiums that you will have. They will base it on the information as well as the result of the medical exam that you have. It is also them that will be taking into consideration the health risks that you have. Once all of these things are considered then the insurance company can now send you the final copy of your policy. You need to make sure that you will review it before signing on the dotted line.

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